Parse methods (AU/NZ)

Parse methods convert unstructured input data into structured output.

The API Specification, also available on each method below - it requires valid username and password.

address Parses the supplied single-line address into its component parts.


The parse method takes one or more addresses as the input and parse them into component parts, returning a list of the parsed results. The maximum number of input addresses is 100 per call.

Resource URL



The request body is an AddressRestRequest object:

        "payload": [ { "fullAddress": "L 2 SE 202 220 GEORGE ST, SYDNEY NSW 2000" } ],
        "sourceOfTruth": "AUPAF"


The response body is an AddressRestResponse object:

        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "messages": [],
        "payload": [
                "status": "SUCCESS",
                "messages": [],
                "payload": [
                    	"attributes": null,
                    	"buildingName": "",
                    	"careOf": "",
       	                "fullAddress": "L 2 SE 202 220 GEORGE ST, SYDNEY NSW 2000",
       	                "country": "",
       	                "postcode": "2000",
       	                "street": "GEORGE ST",
       	                "streetName": "GEORGE",
       	                "streetSuffix": "", 
       	                "streetType": "ST",        	                
       	                "streetNumber": "220",
       	                "postal": "",
       	                "postalNumber": "",
       	                "postalType": "",        	                
       	                "buildingName": "",
       	                "subdwelling": "L 2 SE 202",
       	                "flatUnitNumber": "202",
       	                "flatUnitType": "SE",
       	                "floorLevelNumber": "2",
       	                "floorLevelType": "L",
       	                "lotNumber": null,          	                
       	                "eid": null,
       	                "id": null,
       	                "exception": null,
       	                "state": "NSW",
       	                "locality": "SYDNEY"