Address extension methods (AU/NZ)

Address extension methods provide additional information to complete addresses.

identify Retrieves additional information for an address.


Retrieves additional information for an address.

The identify method takes an input address with an encrypted ID (eid) or an input address with the Source of Truth (SoT) and ID (pid) and returns a populated Address object containing the ID and extra attributes from the Source of Truth (SoT).

Hint: single-line lookup supports a FeatureOption (exposeAttributes) in its AddressRestRequest. This option allows the lookup to get the additional information for each address returned in its AddressRestResponse. Therefore, it is not necessary to call the identify method if this option is used.

The identify method can be used in conjunction with the single-line or component lookups to retrieve the following:

Resource URL



The request body is an AddressRestRequest object:

        "payload": [ { "eid": "LSf3xDpkRAVDPMVsIoJ8zm7BmUYOSNzB" } ]


        "payload": [ { "id": "71230073" } ], 
        "sourceOfTruth": "AUPAF"


The response body is an AddressRestResponse object:

        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "messages": [],
        "payload": [
                "fullAddress": "L 2 SE 202 220 GEORGE ST, SYDNEY NSW 2000",
                "country": null,
                "postcode": "2000",
                "street2": null,
                "street": "GEORGE ST",
                "streetNumber": "220",
                "postal": "",
                "postalNumber": "",
                "postalType": "",
                "buildingName": "",
                "subdwelling": "L 2 SE 202",
                "eid": "LSf3xDpkRAVDPMVsIoJ8zm7BmUYOSNzB",
                "id": "71230073",
                "attributes": {},
                "floorLevelType": "L",
                "floorLevelNumber": "2",
                "flatUnitType": "SE",
                "flatUnitNumber": "202",
                "lotNumber": "",
                "streetName": "GEORGE",
                "streetType": "ST",
                "streetSuffix": "",
                "locality": "SYDNEY",
                "state": "NSW"